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Dawlance Washing Machine DW-7500G 10KG


  • Extended Capacity for a Normal Sized Household
  • Deep Water fall Technology
  • Shower Rinse
  • Glass Lid
  • Warranty: 1 Years Parts + 10 years Motor Warranty

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Dawlance Semi Automatic Washing Machine DW-7500G

Dawlance Washing Machine

Dawlance Semi Automatic Washing Machine DW-7500G

With Dawlance signature Glass Door, believe us when we say that Dawlance DW 7500 G is custom-built to suit your needs. As long as you have this washing machine, you can be sure that doing laundry will be the least of your worries.

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This Dawlance Washing Machine DW-7500G 10KG can be yours for only ₨44,000!
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